Even though the end user is the farmer, our immediate customers can even be agencies/bodies/organizations that help us deploy solar pumps through a variety of business models to service all segments of rural consumers.
- Government Agencies/PSUs
- Agri Enterprises
- Foundations
- Farmer Cooperatives
- Large Farmers
- Marginal farmers

State nodal agencies, Horticulture departments, Public Health & Engineering Cells, Power Distribution companies that wish to promote the adoption of solar pumping systems in their states by subsidizing them
Direct Benefits
- Reduction of state subsidy burden
- Adoption of cleaner fuels

Agri processing companies that engage in captive farming or contract farming can reduce their input costs or that of their growers by adopting solar pumps
Direct Benefits
- 100% accelerated depreciation
- Improved loyalty of contract farmer
- Yield improvement

Not for profit organizations or global developmental agencies that have a mandate to improve livelihoods and environmental sustainability.
Direct Benefits
- Proof of new business models
- Social Impact
- Environmental Impact
- Economic upliftment

Group of farmers that collectively purchase agricultural assets and share them among members
Direct Benefits
- Lower cost of irrigation
- Improved yields
- Shift towards high value crops

Individual farmers with greater than 10 acres of land holdings
Direct Benefits
- Diesel savings
- Lower cost of irrigation
- Improved yields
- Shift towards high value crops

Small farmers with less than 2 acres of land holding
Direct Benefits
- Diesel savings
- Lower cost of irrigation
- Improved yields
- Shift towards high value crops