

Site Survey

Irrigation requirements vary from farm to farm. A comprehensive site assessment follows the order confirmation. Field engineers arrive at the water requirement on the basis of various factors such as depth of water table, land size and the cropping pattern followed by the farmer.

Design & Engineering

Once the water requirement of the farmer has been determined, the optimal solar pumping solution is evaluated at the backend.


The engineering team hands over the material requirements of the project to the procurement team. Thorough quality checks and technical evaluations are carried out after which the final purchase is made



Procedures related to installation and commissioning have been specifically defined in detail and our personnel have the necessary skills for the job. They are trained in planning, coordination, management, supervision and testing duties related to the equipments.

Handover & Training

After installation an instruction manual is handed over to the beneficiary. A set of guidelines including a set of Do’s & Don’ts is explained in detail. All maintenance procedures are also explained in detail to the beneficiary.


A toll free customer care number has been set up for addressing all product related complaints. After the complaint is registered, a service technician is sent to the site to rectify the problem. Also a constant follow up on the product is carried out from time to time.